Interactive rowing routes


Left mouse click displays grabber hand for quickly moving around maps.

Three ways to zoom in and out:
+ and - buttons at top left of map
mouse scroll wheel
pinch/reverse pinch on mobile devices

Above the map

Pulldown menu chooses route.

Checkboxes above map toggle display of landmarks and course mile markers. Landmarks show names of extra features (like channel markers and small islands) not significant enough to be shown on standard map.

Maps can be printed and screen-captured.

• Jump directly to favorite routes via live links under Rowing Route Details (below map section).

» Route lines and other markers for illustration purposes only. Do not use for actual navigation.

Rowing Route Details

Children's Island Loop - 3.92 miles

Beginner level route. A simple loop out and around Children's Island.

Marblehead Rock & Children's Island Loop - 4.38 miles

Beginner level route. A loop around Marblehead Rock and Children's Island.

Tinker's Island Loop - 5.56 miles

Beginner level route. An out and back route around Tinker's Island.

Hospital Point (Beverly) Loop - 6.35 miles

Beginner / intermediate level route.

Salem Harbor Loop - 8.34 miles

Intermediate level route.

Misery Island Loop - 8.11 miles

Intermediate level route.

Aquatrack - 7.23 miles

Intermediate level route. Route developed by Paul and Stephanie.

Beverly-Misery-Baker's Island Loop - 10.85 miles

Intermediate level route.

Halfway Rock Loop - 7.33 miles

Advanced level route. This is an open water route. Do not attempt alone or in high wind conditions.

Egg Rock Loop - 15.48 miles

Advanced level route. This is a good practice route for the Blackburn Challenge! Bearing from Tinker's Island -240 deg.